I Had Forgotten Safe and Who I Was

Welcome to the #stylemecommunity Kathy. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Name: Kathy | Pasadena, TX | Connect: Instagram @iamhisaboveall; Facebook @kpflounder

In 2012, my husband had a breakdown. He became violent and we separated. I was left alone with our children and had not worked full-time in about 10 years. The middle daughter had also developed serious depression as well as drug addictions. She would steal money, belongings, shoplift, and attempted suicide a dozen times. Her dealers would come by the house looking for money or "payment". Due to her condition, my weapons were brooms, and once a pipe. I didn't want a gun until she was better or out of the house. In 2013, she was groomed and taken. He gave her meth and kept her doing what he wanted for more. She was being trafficked. She kept getting phone privileges and I kept turning her in. The police finally picked her up after a man gave her a ride. She doesn't remember how she got out. But she did. I then became worried the trafficker would come after her younger sister. There was no peace, the stress caused a health issue with my heart. The middle problem child was offered rehab at a facility also treating PTSD.

She came home after 6 weeks then moved out of state to avoid the temptations. Once my home seemed safe to get a firearm ( Covid pandemic) I went to a range and tried 1 weapon. I held 4 in my hand but this one just felt perfect. And in the middle of the gun shortage, I purchased a Glock 43x that day, the only one in the Houston area. I took a basic handgun class. Then I was nervous, having read most accidents happen while cleaning the gun, so I had them give me a gun cleaning class specific to my gun. I still didn't feel confident so I took a marksmanship class.

At this point, my instructor, former military, said I was capable of defending myself and could take out any threat up to 15 yards away with no worries. I signed up for a LTC class and passed all tests with flying colors. I carry every day now. For the first time in a decade, I sleep well. I know I can protect myself in almost any situation. And, for kicks, a couple weeks ago, I rented a submachine gun and fired it. Single fire I was accurate. I was allowed to go full auto and I cannot describe the feeling. But I want one! As of this week, I found an instructor willing to meet with me every couple months to make sure I haven't picked up bad habits and give me practice drills. Here's the kicker. All this affected my self esteem. I've thrown on clothes, slapped some makeup on, and ponytail hair for years. I am now putting together outfits and actually taking time with my makeup. I've also begun accepting invitations to live Iife again.



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